Saturday, September 15, 2007

Brit Lit Blog for 9-24-07

David and Melaine can’t get enough of each other but after her boyfriend reads an excerpt from her diary all hell break lose. The boyfriend dumps her and she thinks she has no future with everyone and does not want to see him anymore. A couple of days later Melaine does not show up to class which gets David worried that something might have happened. David takes the advice of his lawyer to take classes on Rape Awareness because rumor starts going around the college that him and another student are going out.
I think that David needs to end what ever is going on with Melaine as soon as possible because what ever is going on can and will get worse. There really is no other solution but to end whatever is going on. I think that the theme of the story is really realistic on how something can happen in a relationship no matter what the age is. At this point in the story the novel is heading into a downward direction because every time David does something with Melaine it only makes matters worse. From what I have read so far David will most likely not stop talking to Melaine which could ruin his life. I think that this tells us that people can do a lot of things wrong in any type of relationship.

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